Training Education and European Project

Connecting Organizations with EU funds

ForMalta LTD

Guiding organisations and schools to participate in fully funded exchange programmes for education and training purposes. Providing opportunities to learn, develop professionally and gain experience abroad to improve future career prospects and language skills. Exchange ideas and best practice with an international network.

About Us

Here at FORMALTA, we specialise in connecting educational, not for profit and commercial organisations with EU funds for educational, vocational and training purposes with particular specialisation of the Erasmus Plus Programme. As
about us
As for transnational mobility, we are specialised in Outgoing and Incoming European Mobility Projects and related services. We send and host students, professors, trainees and apprentices coming from all around Europe for internships from 2 weeks up to 6 months. The Mobility projects are comprised of organizations and schools from diverse and thriving sectors, such as: tourism, hospitality, agribusiness, textile and clothing, marketing and communication, ICT, mechanics and robotics, automotive and aerospace, green economy and social innovation. We arrange professional training courses for young people and adults looking to acquire new abilities and competencies for better integration in to the labour market; our expert mentors will orientate you and guide you through the process. Our unique feature is the use of a non-formal education system (NFE) which is characterised by intense cultural exchanges and creative activities with the main purpose of helping the participants successfully integrate themselves in the country and city of destination.

Main Activities

FORMALTA has been working for many years in the learning/training sector; professional orientation; personal research and selection; internships; needs analysis; skills assessments as well as supply and demand matching. FORMALTA is involved in both Outgoing and Incoming mobility projects in the UK.

For the Outgoing Mobility projects, we help organisations and schools to participate in fully funded exchange programmes for education and training purposes.

For the Incoming Mobility Projects from other European countries, FORMALTA as the host organisation, receives the trainees for the placement activities, strictly adhering to the principles laid down by the European Quality Charter for Mobility and supports public and private bodies in activities related to:

Project Identification

Project/Bid writing

End to end project management

Once the projects are approved, we support organisations and schools in matters regarding to:

Logistical planning


Matching with host companies or schools, in line with the learning/training outcomes

Definition of individual training agreements

Intercultural activities for a more enjoyable experience in the hosting country

Tutoring and monitoring for the entire mobility period

Project closure and dissemination of the results or achievement


FORMALTA co-works with a partnership comprised of the most important stakeholders within all domestic and international territories: Chambers of commerce, trade associations, universities, educational institutes, public and private training institutions, youth associations and NGOs.


Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. The programme provides opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, and gain experience abroad. Erasmus+ doesn’t just offer funding opportunities for students, it has opportunities for a wide variety of individuals and organisations.

For Individuals

Erasmus+ has opportunities for people of all ages, helping them develop and share knowledge and experience at institutions and organisations in different countries.

For Organisations

Erasmus+ has opportunities for a wide range of organisations, including education and training providers, non-profits and private businesses.
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ForMalta, since 2019 is partner of the pilot project “Overstep – A joint alliance to develop a mobility scheme and share best practices between African and European VET systems”, funded by the European Commission D.G. of education, youth, sport and culture.

The project aims to share best practices between African and European VET systems (teacher training, skills and pedagogical knowledge, quality and effectiveness of curricula and training, knowledge of managerial staff). 

The alliance is coordinated by the Italian organization Fmts Experience srl and involves 4 EU Member States (Italy, France, Spain, Malta) and 10 African countries (Benin, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Gabon, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia).

The project is focusing on the development of an innovative mobility scheme involving VET staff, learners and recent graduates operating in Tourism and Hospitality, Food Processing, Agriculture. ForMalta is working on the development of procedure for exchanges across Spain, Malta and the 10 African Countries involved.

For further information please check the project website:

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These are some of the main countries we operate

United Kingdom